Texture and Color Garden


Planted in 2005, this habitat garden in Sunnyvale has year round interest and curb appeal with California native species. The garden attracts songbirds, hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and many other types of pollinators.


A pervious concrete driveway allows water to drain through the driveway instead of sheet flowing off into the gutter. This keeps toxins out of our creeks and bay and allows water to infiltrate naturally into the soil.


A mix of evergreen shrubs and grasses serves as a stable ‘foundation’ planting directly in front of the house. Eve Case Dwarf Coffeeberry is planted under the windows. Ceanothus ‘Frosty Blue’ is the taller plant between the windows. Festuca ‘Siskyou Blue’ provides an interesting foliage contrast in the foreground.


A special boulder was hand selected to capture rainwater for wildlife. This rock serves as a seasonal birdbath and provides water for butterflies as well as a warm place for butterflies to rest. This rock, along with other boulders onsite, is locally available ‘Sonoma Fieldstone’